Sant Antoni & El Poble-sec Food Tour

Adult Price: € 70
Adolescent Price: € 50
Child Price: € 30

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Barcelona like a local in winter

barcelonaeatlocal | December 30, 2015 | Culture, Food, things to do, Barcelona
what to do in winter barcelona

Though you would be quite right in bringing to mind a picture of a sunny seaside when imagining Barcelona, winter still descends on the city of counts for about three months of the year. Good news is that winter is mild for the urban goers and you might get lucky with a surprising amount of sunshine. We believe that cooler temperatures shouldn’t keep you away as there is still plenty of things to do in Barcelona and its surroundings…

Things to Do in wintertime Barcelona

Barcelona enjoys a privileged weather and its quite probable that during your time here it will be sunnier than most other destinations in Europe and that you will be able to sit outside and sip some vermouth, cava or coffee, even at night. Just go to the old fishermen´s village Barceloneta and see what locals do!

Winter is also a synonym of fewer tourists and that means that you will be able to see and enjoy more in a laid back atmosphere together with the natives. Less waiting time and more space in museums, less crowded streets, and a vibrant ambiance at restaurants and tapas bars, which will give you substantial flexibility if visiting without clear plans.

5 places to visit and 5 must eats in Barcelona

  • Visit Palo Alto Market (2nd and 3rd January) where you will find great designers and delicious food from local artisans. Just pick the one you feel like tasting, they are all good!
  • Anyday, until 5th January you can stroll sideways the Fira de Reis (New Year´s market) located at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes (between Rocafort and Muntaner streets) and drink hot chocolate with a traditional xurro served by local artisans along the way, they are all genuine and tasty.
  • And by 6th January don’t miss the ¨Roscon de Reyes¨, a king cake associated with the festival of the Epiphany at the end of the Christmas season; pretty much similar to the one prepared for the Mardi Gras Carnival celebrations. Our favorite spot to buy one is Pasteleria Escriba (Gran Vía, 546 ), but there are plenty of other excellent ones in town such as Bubo, Hoffman, La Pastisseria, and Oriol Balaguer…. Just a matter of taste and prosperity to whoever finds the king at her or his slide.

where to eat king cake in barcelona

…and while you were taking a food break and re-fueling yourself with a cold-press juice

  • By 23rd January, the emblematic district of Sant Antoni where our food tour takes place, celebrates a popular festival – Els Tres Tombs (The Three Turns) – which is the day of Sant Antoni Abad, the patron saint of animals. This is a popular day for children as horses pulling carriages throw sweets while process through a route three times; hence the name of the festivity. The main features for this festivity that last for a week, are family activities, concerts and a delicious gastronomic agenda. Follow us on twitter or facebook for updates!
  • And last but not least, in Barcelona you can never stop tasting delicious food, and by the end of January the region of Catalonia celebrates ¨Calçotada¨ the spring onions food festival! A unique barbecue meal devoted to a variety of giant spring onion eaten at tables where diners put on silly paper bibs and get down and dirty with a calçot. For those visiting Barcelona a couple of great urban spots to taste this gigantic delicatessen are El Disbarat and El Glop. You can also read out this great insight about calçots festivities written by The Guardian.

where to eat calcots in Barcelona

Skiing at the Pyrenees, where to stay and winter sales

Skiing at the Pyrenees mountains  is a great option due to its proximity to Barcelona; there are 5 fabulous catalan ski resorts close by the city of counts (less than 2h drive). Ski slopes in Catalonia are also well connected to lost medieval hillside villages which offer a varied range of accommodation and gastronomy. In most places you will ski under a nice sunny day with a unique Mediterranean feeling, and in case you feel like sparing a day to learn about Barcelona´s best culinary offer and its enchanting architecture why don’t you join us for a food tour.

barcelona food tour in sant antoni and poblesec

If you made your mind, January is simply great in Barcelona as there are many things to do, the low season means lower ticket prices for flights and hotels, we recommend Airbnb offers at Sant Antoni district as a great way to enjoy real Barcelona, especially during the Tres Tombs festivities, and a walk along Carrer de Flassaders in Born district and Carrer del Doctor Nou in Raval  for a real winter sales experience where you can stock up on fashions made by fantastic local designers.

Stay healthy!

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2 responses to “Barcelona like a local in winter”

  1. Silvia says:

    Thanks for all your recommendations; all of them are different from typical touristic advice, higly attractive and very well describe. I don’t want to miss any of them.

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